Dienstag, 10. April 2018

Come before

There will come a moment in your life when you look into the future & wonder
if the way you love the world matters

& almost without thinking, you’ll want to find someone who already 
answered this question you never thought to ask.

It’s hard to believe, but the ones who came before hope you come to this.

You’ll look in their eyes & see what they could not speak (& even if they could, you would not have heard until now), because how do you say I remember, when so many people shake their heads & say Remember what?

But in the moment when you see again who we all are, everything changes & you’ll love the world differently because of that & I promise for the ones who come after, the ones you may never know, it matters.

- storypeople -

4 Kommentare:

  1. ...Masha, wonderful. The seventh image, looking down the hallway with e splash of green is my favorite. Thanks so much for being here today, take care and enjoy your week.

  2. Mascha, green door frame stands out. Thanks for sharing

  3. Love the old house. It needs a lot of repair, but sure would be beautiful with some hard work and money, of course. Happy Tuesday!

  4. The corridor with the green door shot is fantastic!! Love it!


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